Wednesday, May 19, 2010

RSS Feed Experiences...

I used the Google Reader as my primary web-based feed reader of choice and compared it to Bloglines. As a novice user of blogs and feed readers, they both seemed to offer the same services with only some slight differences. In the end of my study of both tools, I am going to stick with Google Reader, even though I may still use some of the noted features of Bloglines.

Since I use other Google applications I wanted to keep it in the same family of web-based tools. I found it incredibly easy to use and navigate. The page itself is clean and clutter-free with clearly marked buttons and functions. I have yet to use all of the features, such as the sharing and link to my own personal blog parts. The page is set-up in a way that I have been able to easily add my selected RSS subscriptions. The reading and subscription trends options are also interesting to see, in terms of how often subscribed blogs are updated or which ones I read the most. I also appreciate the recommendations from Google Reader. When I was looking for subscriptions to add I was having some difficulty remembering the more popular blogs for school libraries, so when I set-up my account and added several, I was able to peruse the recommendations Google Reader made to look for ones that met my interests.

I signed-up for an account with Bloglines just to understand more about the services it provides. Initially Bloglines offers a new user the chance to subscribe by interest categories or by the most popular subscriptions of the day. All of the saved blogs, feeds, clippings, and playlists are saved in a menu on the left of the screen. This location is similar to Google Reader, however, it is all tabbed rather than laid out, exposed. I prefer the layout of Google Reader because personally, I like to have all of my options in front of me.

A positive feature I found in Bloglines that is missing from Google Reader is the Top 1000 blogs of the day. On this page the newest feeds to enter the Top 1000 Bloglines list are noted, as well as the blogs that have become the site’s “top movers.” Another feature that Bloglines has is a direct way to blog straight from the account. Since I already have a personal blog set-up elsewhere this is not something I will use, however, it seems like Bloglines is a one-stop shop meeting the needs of its users.

1 comment:

  1. By already using other Google products using Google Reader was probably just as easy for you to use. Do you thing that Google Reader does a good job in suggestion similar blogs to one that you have subscribed too?
