Sunday, December 25, 2011

Actual Technology Use in the Classroom

This year I have the pleasure of teaching 26 4th graders.  We have utilized many types of technology in our learning. 
  1. We have several digital cameras, flip cams, and our iPad 2 that capture our experiences that we upload to our private Facebook page and Youtube Channel.  
  2. Our iPad 2 also has many apps that we use on a daily basis--CNN, BrainPop, dictionary, weather channel, iBooks, AirMicroscope, among others. 
  3. Students also type their work on our classroom wiki that makes it easy to share and continue work on writing when students are not at school.  
  4. Our class website keeps everyone in the loop about learning topics and upcoming events and resources that aid in extending learning beyond the classroom. 
  5. We have also used Capzles timeline maker to share our reading lives and will use Blabberize to share what we've learned about  Utah state animals.
  6. This term we explored audiobooks on our class set of iPods that allow students to engage with reading in a different way.
More to come in 2012!