Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Not nosy, curious

What? How? Where? When? Why?  These are the questions that resonate in my classroom, from both my students and me.  Exploration is encouraged and viewed with positivity so being nosy is actually a good trait!  Every day we observe, listen, watch, and think about what we are processing, which leads to asking questions.  This shows that we care and are actually listening to one another.  I expect my students to be just as nosy as I am about what they experience in our class subjects and with each other.

When I question students or make mental notes as I observe them, they know that it is so our class can be stronger.  If I know them better and understand where they are coming from, I can be a better teacher and guide on their path of academic and social growth.  Without asking questions and making sense of what I'm seeing and hearing, I am at a disadvantage of understanding my students and their families.  Cheers to those educators who proudly state they are nosy! I say, the nosier the better!