Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Google Search Stories: Digital Storytelling

After seeing the Super Bowl ad last year, I've been wanting to explore using Google Search Stories in the classroom.  Before integrating it into the curriculum I decided to make one to see if it is as user-friendly as Google claims it is.  The verdict?  It is!  I took our recent moving adventures as the "story" in my sample:  

I think that students will enjoy using this new tool in many class topics.  The one that jumps out the most is that of writing:  organization, voice, content and readingmaking inferences, cause and effect, summarizing, main idea and details.  Students can make these for characters in books in they're reading, describing events in history, exploring science topics--the list goes on and on.  Hopefully I will link my new class webpage to this blog so that actual student examples can be viewed as well.